Topshots (Retouch)

TOPSHOTS mini, midi and maxi

Short Overview

What are Topshots?
What are the differencies between Mini, Midi and Maxi?

Topshots are images retouched / processed by Photoshop.

We offer three types of retouches: mini, midi and maxi.

If you have booked CV & Business 1 or 2, your topshot will be selected together with the photographer! You may then decide whether you wish to have mini, midi or maxi.

How exactly are the topshot(s) selected?
The topshot(s) will be selected directly after the shooting in front of true color HD screens according to professional criteria. You will be going through your files one by one together with the photographer.
If you have booked Lounge Lab 15, 30 or 45 you will get the entire photographic material and select topshots by yourself.
Your topshots will then be corrected and considerably be enhanced.

Find below a detailled description of our topshots:

Digital photographs nearly always need to be edited; this way, you benefit from a considerable visual enhancement. Every photograph is edited one by one, and individual customer wishes are also taken into consideration. Depending on the degree of image processing, this work can be very complex.

Your photos will be processed with Photoshop; as a rule, Instagram filters or beauty apps etc. are not applied!

The Studiolounge offers three different photoshop treatments:

Select your topshots in the Mini, Midi or Maxi versions.

Check our sample photos for Mini, Midi and Maxi:

View Sample Photos

Use your arrow keys to swith forth and back between the versions and you will see the exact differences.

The precise service scope of the Mini, Midi & Maxi topshots:

Brightness, contrast, color, and tonality correction. The skin is touched-up in the T-zone area: forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, meaning face shine removal.

The Mini touch-up is included as standard in all products.
Exceptions: Lounge Lab 15, 30 or 45

Brightness, contrast, color and tonality correction. All face shine and blemishes are removed. In addition: brightening of shadows in deep-set eyes, removal of skin imperfections (blackheads, cold sores, etc.), scars, evening out of the skin tone (in the case of an uneven tan, for instance), undereye circles, lachrymal sacks, red eyes, lip contrast, tooth whitening; major reduction or removal of facial wrinkles (nasolabial folds, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, etc.), lint, dandruff and stain removal from clothing, etc.

Hair correction: filling in gaps; removal of stray strands or single hairs, hair color change. Neck/face shape adjustment: Reducing the size of the face; adjusting eye size, upper body shape adjustment (slimming effect). Make-up adjustment or intensification: Application of kohl, lip gloss, lipstick, etc. In addition, individual customer wishes, such as additional shirt buttons, necktie button adjustment, smoothing out sleeve folds, removal of shirt creases, etc.

Generally, the Midi topshot is recommened.
This touch-up has a great impact and usually covers 99% of the embellishments required!

like option Midi PLUS an additional backdrop.
Studiolounge offers a set of different backdrops for almost any purpose.
Your photo will be cut out and inserted into a another backdrop digitally.
This process leads to a considerable enhancement of a portrait.

Maxi topshots are intense, and visually provide absolutely perfect high-end results that will not be overseen! They are typically used for websites, banners, digital or physical presentations, e.g. at conferences, or for brochures, catalogues, press releases etc.
Suitable Backdrops delivered by third parties can also be added at any time.

Upon request, we convert topshots mini, midi or maxi into black and white at no additional cost.

You may by all means also select more topshots than are included in your package! The topshots already included in the packages are cheaper than additional topshots (flat rates).

Additional Topshots (flat rates in CHF)
mini: 15.00/per unit; midi: 40.00 per unit; maxi: 70.00 per unit

See also additional topshots

Additional topshots can be subsequently ordered and paid.

Not included in the Mini, Midi and Maxi service scope:

The flat rates mentioned above always apply to ONE single person.
If several people appear in one photo that needs to be retouched, e.g. in team photos, the relevant number of mini or midi retouches will be charged.
You will only be charged once per image to insert a new background image (‘maxi’ topshot)!

Please allow at least two working days for topshot delivery.
Sat/Sun and holidays do not count!
Express delivery is not available.
We try very hard to deliver your topshot(s) asap.
In certain cases topshots mini can be delivered earlier.
Please allow a couple of days or even at least a week for processing bigger amounts of topshots depending on the specific requirements!

Remember that you may dispose of the raw material immediately and replace it later by the processed files.

Topshots are delivered digitally by download link.

Would you would like to select the topshot(s) by yourself?
Alternatively, you may also purchase the entire shooting for a fee of 30.-, and eventually select your topshot(s) by yourself, or terminate a preselection originally started in the studio….

Remember that all the photos taken are already included in the shootings Lounge Lab 15, 30 and 45!

As a rule, we  do not retouch photographic material of third parties.